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Good Attitude The Secret Of A Joyous Life Style

    1. Right attitude to people: Attitude is the personality you display to others. It is like a sales agent of self, if you have a product you produce to sell, most times it is the personality and the presentation of the sales person that will determine if it will sell or not. That is how your attitude is with people or life itself. Your attitude to a person will determine if you will have good friendship with that person or not. How you handle things will help you avoid trouble faster than prayers will do sometimes.

    You can just finish prayers and fight with your spouse the next minute because right attitude is hard work; though prayers can help you control your attitude if you ask God.

    There are a lot of fight, quarrel and misunderstanding which you could have avoided with your spouse or any other person, if you had ignored or say sorry early enough.

    As a man, right attitude towards your woman will bring joy to your home and joy have a lot of wonderful brothers and sisters “prosperity” a billion naira ideal ) Example what joy does to Revelation).

    Jesus teaches in Matthew 19:25, this scripture does not only apply to doctrines in ministry but any place of leadership.

    As a leader in your home, if you want to enjoy the benefit that obedience to God’s word carries, you must not dominate, abuse, suppress your woman.

    Attitude is the secret of a joyous life; this is the reason why as Christ follower, we have not been able to do half of what Christ expect of us. What Christ came to do on earth is not that you die and go to heaven; that is just a small fraction of it. What Christ came to do is that you bring heaven on earth because in the original intent of creation, there was no death in view. He said let us make man in our image and so let them have dominion on earth. He is in charge in heaven, His intention was to wear flesh in your form and be in charge on earth. He is reigning forever in heaven, His plan was that you reign forever on earth; sin was what changed that plan a little bit. So when Christ came to save you, was not to go to heaven alone but to restore back your dominion. That is the reason when the disciples said teach us how to pray (Let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven)

    So the biggest desire of God is that you bring His kingdom on earth, In heaven, there is no oppression, no abuse, no disregard, no envy, no insult, no war, no poverty, no death.

    Until all things are done we have not done God any good. The bible says there is joy in heaven when one soul is saved; in your thought you will think there is joy in heaven because when he or she dies, they will go to heaven; no that is far from it. There is joy because a soul has been saved to join the camp of people that will bring heaven on earth and re-establish the original intent of creation. The daily desire of God is that His intention to have dominion on earth through man is established. (Example of two people you send to deliver a message, one returned but did not deliver it, the other did not return still did not deliver it.

    Does it surprise you that we have more churches, more people attend church, and still the society is not changing?

    Until our believe in Christ start showing in our attitude towards people, we are not yet following Christ. Please make a conscious effort to allow your Christianity show through your attitude. Remember, God want to have dominion on earth through you.

    1. Attitude to self:  The right attitude to self is the only thing that will help you have dominion and fulfill God’s plan for your life. Having confidence in self help you stay joyful. Low self esteem is the major cause of depression, you that God said to as I am in heaven, so you are on earth. What on earth should make you loose confidence in your tomorrow and make you disregard your own-self and prayers. Going from one church to another, looking for people to pray and prophesy to you show how much you look down on the right and privilege Christ came to give you.

    If God had wanted you to be looking for people that will stand in the gap between you and him, He would not have border to send His son to die for you. He was already doing that, which was the job of the prophet you read in the Old Testament.  He wanted more than that for you so He sent His son to die for you so you become like Him on earth. In God’s company, everyone is a Managing Director; we all have equal right.

    The difference between you and any prophet, or man, or woman of God you run to is because they have the right attitude to the Rights and privileges Christ gave them.

    Hebrews 1:2 this means, the moment you are saved Christ starts talking to you directly, making things happen through you.

    1 Corinthians 3: 21 therefore let no man glory in men for all things are yours.

    Verse 22 Whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas or the world or life or death or things that present or things to come; all are yours “WHY” you are Christ’s and Christ is of God’s.

    This means anytime you knee to pray to God, believe he had heard you and He will sure answer.

    All that a man lack is because he has a wrong attitude to self, the moment you change your attitude towards self and start to put value in yourself, people start to value you.

    When you walk pass someone and smell it shows the value you put in yourself.

    I have been married now for some years, I doubt if I had given my husband privilege to perceive bad smell from me.

    1. Attitude to God: Your attitude to God determines the level of blessings or secrets you will ever know about Him. funny enough, we think our service in church activities or ministry like this shows we have an attitude of respect to God but the major part still will take us to people. Service in church or ministries is only part of it because you serve people. Look at the commandment, most of it has to do with people;-

    -You shall not steal; it has to do with someone’s thing

    – You shall not bear false witness; it will hurt someone

    -You shall not commit adultery; it will hurt someone

    You cannot claim to have right attitude to God and do not have towards His people. Also the way we see God hinders our prayers. Some people see God as unfair, the God that hardly hear, stingy with his blessings; that is why you will shout and shout during prayers not knowing a soft prayer of Faith will get it done.

    God is not wicked neither is He angry with you, God did say in the Old Testament that I will visit the sins of the Father unto the fourth or fifth generation. Please notice the swift change, when Christ choose the twelve disciples, He never talked about their fore fathers sin or deed.

    As long as they followed Him, He gave them authority over all sickness and disease. The works that I do shall you do even greater work than this shall you do because I go to my father. He never refers to what their fathers did in the past or what they themselves even did.

    The Old Testament is important to make us to know our history, to show us what men were able to do while even in the old covenant.

    No prophet in the Old Testament is as great as you are. Do not let the old covenant hold you back, if the old was so good, God will not border to bring the New.

    Have a fresh attitude towards God today

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