At the age of 25, Judith Daniel Imagoro received a call from God to restore to
mankind His original intent for marriages and relationship and to bring healings and restoration to Families around the world.

Judith first had an encounter with God when she was in her 2nd year at the University.

She was alone in her room fasting and was praying, about 11 am and she said to the lord
“prove to me that you exist, I want to experience you myself, I don’t want to
merely depend on what I was told by others.”

Before she could finish that statement a strong force came from the direction of her ceiling and knocked her to the ground and that was all she could remember.
According to eyes witness, they heard a loud voice from her room, so loud in a language, they were not familiar with. When the voice was getting too loud, and her door was locked, her neighbors decided to force their way through to her room. They forced the door. And On opening they saw Judith on her floor praying loudly in
a language they were not familiar with. And she was completely unaware of all
that was happening, at this point all the student in the same and nearby building came to her door, but she was caught up in the Spirit. The landlady of the house came a while later, when she saw her, being a believer she had an understanding of what might had happened 
and told everyone  to leave Judith alone that she will be fine.

Judith came to herself about 6 hours later and at this time, she has baptized with a new language.

That was the beginning of the practical manifestation of the power of God in Judith’s life and which has been a defining moment f her life and  ministry. Ever since then, God has manifested Himself physically to Judith and through her to many around  the world.

Numerous people had testified to the physical touch of God during Judith meetings and also had testified to instant healing and demonstration of the power of God.

Judith has a unique anointing that has impacted thousands of marriages and
relationships  around the world, brought healing to many, and restoration to broken and divorced couples.
The Best Couple