Judith Imagoro Ministries > About Pastor Judith

About Pastor Judith

[bravo_section_title 0=””]About Pastor Judith

Judith Daniel-imagoro is a teacher, writer and coach, she uses wisdom from God’s word to help others build a healthy and sustainable marriage, and equip singles towards a productive and successful family life while strengthen and restoring peace into troubled homes.

Her teachings instill hope, faith and encourage people to develop intimate relationship with Christ and succeed in their everyday life.
She believes God establish marriage as an institution that will establish His kingdom here on earth. She teaches couples to embrace the person of Christ, live it and teach their children the way of the lord. By so doing, we will build God’ kingdom and have a godly society.

She often says God’s purpose for establishing the union between a man and a woman with Him being the third party is to produce godly generations. (Malachi 2:15)

She is specially anointed and called by God for this very purpose. Her teaching is unique, with an in-depth revelation of God’s word.

Judith is married to her long time friend, Daniel and they are blessed with four children. Josh, Lois, Laurel and Janielle.

She is the president of Glorious Living Singles and Married Ministry, The Jewel Women Prayers initiative, Host of Singles & Married Today’s weekly conference, a weekly radio host of Singles and Married Today broadcast and publisher of Keys To Happy Living Magazine.




